Bitcoins is an open source virtual currency,and has an exchange value of US$165. The process is
called"mining", and it allows the user to allocate their computer's resources to the Bitcoin server, increasing
the server's security and processing power. In return, the user can generate Bitcoins. What the computer is
actually doing is solving complex mathematical problems. One home computer working alone could generate
maybe one or two Bitcoins a month.
The best way to get a lot ofBitcoins, then, is to have a lot of computers working on the problems and that's
what a new trojan is designed to achieve.
This is spread via a Skype message reading:
"This is my favourite picture of you",
and including a link. When the user clicks on the link, the computer automatically starts downloading a
file called
This is the trojan.
It then affects your computer. So be safe,Think twice before you click any unknown links containing .exe
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